Liebster Award

Monday, August 15, 2011

Just Say Yes

I have problems sometimes saying yes. Yes, I will sit down and write this chapter sketch, yes, I will type up all those words in this scene.  I'm guessing you know just what I'm talking about. The moment of dawdling, excuses, and "tiredness". The moment of "I Don't Want To Deal With This Now!!" You simply  must do it then. Your book is kinda like a young child, your young child, wonderful and brilliant, but requires a lot of time and energy. So if planning out every time you write doesn't work for you,  try finding a spare moment, and sit down and make yourself, if you have no inspiration, edit something. Anything. Even after a book is published, it can stilll be edited more. After your done editing and still no closer to gaining some new chapters, write about coffe and guy named Micky. Yes, you did read that right. I mean for you to just be writting about anything in the world. As long it's writting. Every published auther that has a website and a FAQ section, has the question "How do I become an author?" And every answer is the same. Write.  At first when ever I saw those never varying answers, I kind of nodded at the computer screen and think, "Well, that why they call us writers, isn't it? And it is, but you must be repeative about your habits. It must become a natural thing for you to be writting all the time, even when it isn't on the calender and your inspired. Take a notebook with you wherever you go, if you can, so you can write ideas and dialogue you overheard that's perfect for your NIP(novel-in-progress). Just say yes, and write.

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