Liebster Award

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Real Letters

Until this moment you have not know that you had no absolutely clue your preschool teachers lied to you.  The alphabet goes ABDCE. No joke. It stands for Action, Background, Development, Climax, Ending.  In short, that is your plot. Drag in your readers by showing them a bright, sudden sense of Action (or something extremely unusual)   so that the audience will want more. The “more” you give them is the Background, the why’s, the who’s, and the childhood stories of you character without giving all their background away, spread the rest throughout the book. Development is slow suspense and added and mounted Action until you reach the Climax, which isn’t only one scene, but a whole sense that stretches throughout a whole chapter maybe. Ending is just the denouement, the wrapping up of the story, where all (unless more will come) sub-plots, loose ends, and questions are answered.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now how did I not know you were writing a blog? A month ago when I started reading Marie's blog, I was wishing you were writing one too. I'm so excited for you! Press on girl. You're amazing!!!!
