Liebster Award

Sunday, October 9, 2011


If you’ve read just read “Just Say Yes” then you know I support writing regularly. But what about? If you’re sick and tired of your book (and if you’ve been writing faithfully then you will be soon) then just write about life. About unloading the dishwasher. Turn that into a horror about being attacked by knives. A mystery as to who is stealing your silver. Or write about some idea you had/have that isn’t substantial enough to actually be written out in NIP form. Recall some random dialog you overheard in the supermarket and turn it into a scene. I’ve found that a great deal of times things like that end up in my manuscripts. (Except for the knives attacking me.) This is also great for people who really want to write but don’t have much to go on. It encourages you to write and gives you ideas, getting that creative juice flowing.
To get you started, write a scene with no more than 3 adverbs on this topic:
A young boy has tried repeatedly to fly a kite his whole life, but never succeeded. Then, one afternoon, his father who abandoned him comes back and tries to teach him how to fly a kite.

What are some things that you creative juices flowing? And what real life things have ended up in your manuscripts?

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