You might have been a little confused when you read in my post 'Elementral elements', and saw that you were supposed to write about characters you "care" about. What makes you care about a person? A fictional person at that. Well, the choices that they make really make you warm up to them. Still don't understand? Well here's an example.
'Callie was a pretty girl at fourteen who lived in Arkansas. today she was wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and converse. they were her favourite pair'
Do you car about Callie? Do you care if she skydives and her parachute doesn't open? No. At least I don't. You don't want her to die, but you don't necessarily want anyone to die. At a personal level, you most likely have no emotions for her. that is because you know nothing about her. Her age and she's pretty and what shoes she likes, but nothing personalty wise. Now look at this little section:
'The nurse's heart melted a little for the first time in a long time. She honestly couldn't help it when reading this report:"Agreed to donate kidney, not sure if will live, but patient #201 will be good."
She knew that it was talking about the women, #201, who would die if she didn't have another kidney. No one had been a match except for a little boy they had found through records, he had agreed to donate his own kidney for her, dispite not knowing her. And despite he might not live.'
Ok, so what about him? You don't know his age, where he lives, or even his favourite shoes, but you know about the choices he makes. And that, make you care about him. So, to be very cliche but very nessicery, "Show, don't tell."